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Black sheep carved skull

2019 Sold $175

No BS Trap carved into Wolf Skull

Donated wolf sold for $300

Carved wolf skull with tracks
Custom Carved Bear Skull
Carved Bear and Tribal signs in Bear Skull
Dog and Dates of hunt carved into the Bear Skull

2022 Commission $450

coyote skull, USA, all American, trap
carved buck skull, burned, Montana, handmade, gifts for him
USA, Montana Roots, work hard
USA Skull work hard, hunt harder
Horse and cowgirl carved into a buck skull
carved bison skull, USA proud, western, cowboy, natural patina, handmade, carved, gift for him, gift for her
Hand carved, Bison skull, American skull, Eagle, Home of the Brave,

2021 Sold $700

Hand carved, Bison skull, American skull, Eagle, Home of the Brave because of the free,

2022 Sold $900

Hand carved, Bison skull, American skull, Eagle, Patriotic, Home of the Brave,
Texas Longhorn, carved, handmade, skull

2020 Gifted worth $900

Hand carved, Bison skull, American skull, Eagle, Home of the Brave,
Hand carved, Bison skull, American skull, Eagle, Home of the free because  of the Brave,
Hand carved, Bison skull, American skull, Eagle, Home of the Brave, Patriot carved bison skull,
Horse and cowgirl carved into buck skull

2022 Commission $250

Carved Buck skull, buck carving, skull,
Mule Buck skull carving, burned carving,
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